Friday, June 4, 2010

Important Stuff

Now that I've broken the silence and let you know that I am still alive I will write about important stuff...

I still haven't moved.

My neighbor follows me around..

Today I made Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Today is the national spelling bee.

Today is national doughnut day.

Doughnuts were invented on the 22nd of June.

I don't make doughnuts at the bakery.

Today at the bakery I made an ice cream cake.

The sign at the car dealership on the corner said.."Bean dinner tonight at 7pm.. music to follow"


mandi said...

Hi Nan.

Morgan said...

haha-what neighbor follows you around?

how is callie and her family?

Joel said...

I do NOT follow you around. Stop telling people that.

Montgomery Q said...

Is your follower named Joven?


nan I lovey you more!!!!
dont forget your taing kenyas pics lol :)

Aeron said...

I'm walking but I'm not following you around. Anyway. :)

Joel said...

Happy birthday, Nan. I baked you a cake. I named it Joven.

Sherri said...

Nan? Come back Nan.