Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eighteen cups

Sunday we made a houseful of doughnuts. Spudnuts to be exact. Here in Idaho we make them with potatoes. I need to pay attention when Todd asks me if we should double the batch, or when he starts to get overzealous with the potato peeling at lunchtime. By doubling this recipe we used 18 cups of flour. 18 cups. Say it with me... E.I.G.H.T.E.E.N. very good. Now can you say.. What the heck do we do with all these doughnuts? We need more friends. Instead we just passed them out to everyone we know and have ever met or have at least seen or at least heard of and I think we left some on a porch or two hoping someone actually lived there... *SIGH* We did have a lot of fun. Too much fun. Next time we'll keep it under 10 cups...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

After a night of eating, singing and enjoying cub scout stuff at the Blue and Gold banquet, the best way to show appreciation is to throw up all over in the church hallway. Josh really, really appreciated the chili. This morning I found this drawing on the back of one of his tablets. I thought it fitting for the evening....