Thursday, November 20, 2008

Recent events recently

I'd blog more if I actually had something to blog about. I know this doesn't stop most people but for some reason my brain only has so much to offer these days. I say to it.."take a nap dear, you'll feel much better if you do." It doesn't invite me to snuggle and sleep lazily in the afternoon very often so usually I'm on my own. Thanks Brain. Recent events occurring recently include potty training, losing my job, and getting complaints from my psycho neighbor. Yeah, all exciting. Especially when every conversation turns to "Oh Megan pooped in the potty today!" I will say that losing my job didn't include anything exciting (darn it) just the closing down of my bosses buisness without the bakery buying her out. I will miss all of our "conversations" of man-hating, lesbian gospel discussions. hummm, I think I'll go talk my brain into a mid morning nap.