Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paul Browning

I have a cousin named Paul Browning. For those of you who don't know him and in case I haven't mentioned it yet, he's pretty cool. While cleaning out the garage a couple of weeks ago I found some of my old pictures that put me in the nostolgic mode.

I really would like to write about some of the out of control crazy things that he use to do when we were younger but I'm constantly trying to keep up with the crazy out of control things that he does now. Yes I know, he hasn't changed much. He still had no personal boundries and continues to push all the boundries of others. I know, I know, he's saying..."What's wrong with that?" Well, nothing really if you can handle it... Sorry Mandi, It's your job daily.. we feel for you. But we that have a realation to him are also very lucky because we will never lose him and are better people for knowing our dear Paul... if not just a little more patient.